Fall 2020 Courses

Foundations of Impactful Teamwork
Required Course for 1st Year MBA Students

Working effectively in and leading teams are essential competencies in modern organizations, both large and small. The purpose of this course is to lay a foundation of knowledge and skills that will enable you to differentiate yourself as an effective leader and member of impactful teams. The specific learning objectives for this course include:

  • Be able to launch and lead goal-directed project teams that meet or exceed stakeholders’ expectations for task performance, provide a positive working experience for team members, and enable team members to grow as a unit and as individuals.
  • Be able to diagnose common interpersonal challenges that arise in teams composed of diverse individuals who are working under pressure and relying heavily on virtual modes of collaboration.
  • Refine your awareness of your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and develop a plan for honing your leadership identity and interpersonal skills during your MBA program.
  • Augment your resourcefulness when working in a global virtual team.

Organizational Research Methods
Doctoral Course

The purpose of this course is to expose you to a range of methods for conducting research on organizations. We will do this through readings, class discussions and exercises, as well as through writing and reviewing one another’s work. Because this is a survey course, we will cover a range of topics and specific research methods. The objectives of the course are:

  • Introduce you to general concepts of methodological rigor and the core foundations of measurement.
  • Enhance your understanding of the suite of methods commonly used in organizational research.
  • Improve your skill in critically consuming research from a variety of methodological approaches.

Spring 2020 Courses

People Metrics
Open to BSBA, MBA, and Specialized Masters students

Metrics are at the core of people analytics. The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the foundations of assessing behavior in organizations using novel measurement approaches and large datasets. Through classroom discussions and real-world applications, this course will enable you to add value to organizations through the development, use, and interpretation of innovative people metrics. Specifically, after taking this course, you will be able to:

  • Develop a clear and logical conceptual measurement model. A conceptual measurement model is the foundation of creating novel and useful new approaches for assessing intrapersonal characteristics (e.g., personality) and interpersonal behavior (e.g., knowledge sharing, teamwork).
  • Identify novel sources of data for innovative people metrics. Organizations are awash in the traces of individual behavior and social interactions. Decoding how data that already exist in an organization can be used to understand behavior is an essential skill for adding value in the field of people analytics.
  • Apply a rigorous process for validating new people metrics. Developing a measurement model and finding sources of data are necessary, but insufficient for adding value through people metrics. New measures must be validated.